These Travel Mistakes Drive Your Boss Crazy

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If your boss is late, it’s always your fault. It’s not the cab driver’s fault for taking the wrong route. It’s your fault for not getting them a car service, or allowing for enough time to arrive safely.

This is the plight of the administrative assistant. You are either the unsung hero when things run smoothly. Or the scapegoat when they don’t. You can’t control travel delays, bad traffic or canceled flights. But you can prepare for them, and transition seamlessly from Plan A, to B.

With so much at stake, even the most tenured assistants can use a few tips.

So here are some of the common mistakes that drive bosses crazy, yet happen every day.

Doing the Minimum

Few things are more obvious than someone doing the minimum amount of work. And this is even more apparent when it comes to travel booking. If you’re not an expert in booking things, do your research. You need to be able to support your boss at every step, instead of simply sending them on their way.

“Sure you can do the minimum when planning and coordinating travel which would be book the tickets and say: ‘Good luck. Enjoy your trip.’ However, a top-notch administrative professional goes beyond that,” said

“She or he delves into the details.”

Not Embracing Today’s Technology

Smartphones and tablets have really reduced the need to carry unneeded travel paperwork or clutter. Your boss’ mobile device needs to be the home for all of their pertinent travel documents. They should always be just a few swipes away.

“An app like TripIt offers a way in which to cut down on travel materials such as flight confirmation numbers, hotel confirmation numbers, restaurant reservations, and other paper-based clutter,” wrote Kevin Corcoran.

“Executive assistants can then put every pertinent detail — such as flight, hotel, or restaurant dates and times — onto the bosses’ smartphone or tablet. Thus, it will be one all-inclusive, easy-to-digest itinerary for them that’s as convenient as reaching into their pocket.”

Forgetting Personal Preference

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This goes beyond knowing if your boss prefers the window or the aisle seat.

This is a deeper understanding of how they function. It means knowing if they would rather catch a red-eye flight to just get home ASAP, or if they would prefer to stay the extra day and come back comfortably. It also means knowing if they would rather stay closer to the hotel for the sake of time, or stay in the city at something a bit more luxurious.

“Let’s not forget hotel preferences,” advised

“This includes not just which chain but also little things like, does the hotel have a gym (and what hours it’s open), do they have king beds (preferred by the very tall bosses), do they have a mini-bar, is there wi-fi available (or other broadband), is there a restaurant in the hotel, etc”

Things will change on the fly, and the travel booking landscape is never exactly what you may want. But always knowing how your boss wants to travel/ work is the core of any good business trip.

Communicating Problems, with No Solutions

Again, you can’t control the external things that cause delays, or changes in plan. But you control how you communicate these changes.

Problems are fine, as long as there are solutions. So do your best to fix a problem, or at least have a plan in mind, before communicating it to your boss. “Your flight, was canceled, but I can get you on a 6:30 flight instead” goes a long way.

Always keep them 100% in the loop. Smartphones and shared calendars give you unprecedented ways to change things on the fly. Always use them to communicate.

Too Much OR Too Little Time Between Events

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It’s a tightrope. You don’t want your boss cursing your name as they scramble to make a flight. Nobody likes to feel rushed. But at the same time, having them sitting idle and waiting too long is also not good.

This is why an experienced car service or limousine service can be invaluable. Aside from the comfort of having someone else do the driving, you’re also investing in their knowledge of the city. An experienced driver knows the best routes, knows when/where to expect delays, and gives you realistic timeframes for every trip.

This gives you the right amount of time between flights, meals, meetings, or anything else on the agenda.

Hire a Local Expert

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When in Chicago, trust the experts at Echo Limousine. We can ensure your traveler can get to each destination; rested, relaxed and ready.

We are the best-rated limo service company in Chicago, and for good reason. We have the most competitive rates, high-quality cars and professional drivers to serve you.

Contact us by calling (773) 774-1074, or click here to get in touch with us to start planning.

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