Basic Snow Safety Tips

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(Tips, Tolls & Tax included)

Everybody knows that the winters in Chicago are rough. But if you’ve recently moved here from a warmer part of the country, you might not know how to handle the snowy conditions. Here’s a quick rundown of some of the precautions you should take when you’re out and about this winter.

Dress Warmly

Shoreline of a city and a semi frozen lake

Before leaving home, make sure that you’re wearing multiple layers of clothes. A beanie, scarf, gloves, and thick socks are vital accessories for staying warm. Even if your car has a heater, you’ll have to walk outside at some point.

If You Have Car Trouble, Stay Inside

If it’s snowing when your car breaks down, you should stay seated. Unless you get stuck right in front of a mechanic, it’s safer to just call for help. If your engine will still run, periodically turn your car on for about 10-15 minutes and run the heater to stay warm.

When Skidding, Decelerate but Don’t Brake

If your car begins to skid in melted ice and snow, your instincts might tell you to slam on the brakes, but that’s not the best strategy. Stepping on the brakes can cause the wheels to lock, which will make hydroplaning worse. Instead, take your foot off of the gas and turn the wheel gently towards a safe direction. Most skids only last for a split second, so staying calm is difficult but crucial.

Take a Break When Shoveling Snow

Because Chicago gets an average of 36 inches of snow each year, shoveling snow is just a part of life here. Before you start shoveling, make sure to dress warmly and do a quick warm-up. Even if you’re in a rush, you should take a break every 15 to 20 minutes. The cold can cause your blood pressure and heart rate to increase more than usual, so don’t try to shovel more than you can handle.

Winters in Chicago are long and snowy, but following these tips can help you stay safe. If you’re going a Christmas party or a New Year’s Eve event, hire a private car or limo from Echo Limousine instead of trying to drive through the snow. Our chauffeurs are professionals who have years of experience driving in Chicago. To book a ride with us, text or call (773) 774-1074 or make a reservation online.

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